Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm a Life Timer!!!

Well, after 6 weeks of maintenance at Weight Watchers, I finally hit life time! Now, as long as I stay within a couple of pounds of my goal weight, I don't have to pay! I haven't been the best at staying on the plan but this gives me motivation to stay on track.


Jeff and Aubree Gittins said...

You are so good! That's a great accomplishment, and I'm sure that it will motivate you. Congrats.

Emily said...

Way to go! I was just thinking this morning I need to do SOMETHING to lose some weight. Glad to hear WW works! I think I'll give it a try

Charee B Mcclellan said...

woooooooooooooooow...you are great!!! i would never be that good!! so excited for you!!

The life of Jayne said...

You Rock!

Laura Barrett said...

Nice job! I've been trying to lose the baby weight and you've inspired me to try harder!