Thursday, February 25, 2010

Valentines Day

Okay so I know this is a little late but better late than never right? :) Sunday morning I was trying to sleep in because I didn't get much sleep the night before. I got a knock at the door. It was Rohbi and I grumpily asked what she wanted. This sweet little voice comes back that she had made me breakfast in bed and wanted to give it to me. I felt really bad for getting after her after that so I opened the door and there she stood with this cookie sheet...

with this note on it...
There were soggy Rice Crispies that had sat there too long obviously because she was waiting for me to wake up, a roll, cookie, candy and a glass of water. You could tell she had put a lot of thought into it. What a sweetheart!

I came out and these were sitting on the table waiting for me...

I have the best family!


Charee B Mcclellan said...

ahhh i love it, how sweet is that! your little family is soo darling!

ameliaharris99 said...

What a sweetie! :)

The life of Jayne said...

That is soooo sweet! :)