Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rohbi's birthday (last year 7th)

While we were in Arizona Rohbi had a birthday. Since we were driving on her birthday, we decided to have her open presents while we were there with Eric's parents. We did have a few more birthday parties when we got home.
Grammy was kind enough to make her a cake.

We had Rohbi's Grandma and Grandpa Gould up for dinner and then they gave her a few presents. She loves spending time with her grandparents!

I was crazy enough to let her invite all the girls in her class over for a fun dress up party. Holy craziness!!!!! This is the cake I made. It was supposed to be standing up but it fell and that's where it stayed. Not the best but it tasted good and Rohbi loved it!

Silly girls!

1 comment:

Jeff and Aubree Gittins said...

That cake is so cute! Good job.