Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Valentine's Day

In 4 days it will be Valentine's Day. This is a holiday I have always enjoyed because it's so fun to get chocolates and flowers, etc. This year Valentine's Day takes on a whole different feel/meaning. It is the day that our sweet Gunnar was due. Even though we will still celebrate it (because Rohbi would feel so bad if she didn't get her Valentine from us :) ) I have decided to use this day as a good way to honor our son. I haven't decided yet what I will do for sure but I am going to do some form of service. So I'm asking any of you who read this to please (if you think about it) do something nice for someone else. Some ideas might be to send a sick child who is in the hospital some flowers, buying lunch for the person behind you in the drive through, leave an extra large tip for your server if you're going out to dinner that day, etc. I know you all think I'm a little crazy or weird but this would really mean a lot to me. Anyway, now that you all think I'm crazy, I'll leave you alone.


Charee B Mcclellan said...

what great ideas, i will do something for sure! hope that you have a good day, bitter/sweet i am sure. the top part of your blog just tugs at my heart strings. you are so strong!
on a funny note: i am doing some major cleaning in my house and found my Note boxes from high school and on. you had written me lots of notes when we were at the batc that you had put on my car. (i hadn't remembered that) but now i do, i was laughing so hard at all of the drama that was going on with us and guyz! sometimes i love laughing at the good ol days, but these now are the good ol days also. we just have to enjoy it all..right?!! i hate to throw them all away, but i figured i would read them all and then chuck them, great toilet and tub reading!! love ya hun, hope that you are doing alright!

Jeff and Aubree Gittins said...

Nobody thinks you're crazy. I love ya and I will think of something nice to do. Your sweet baby boy will be remembered.

Emily said...

What a great idea! I'm glad to do something special in honor of baby Gunnar. I hope it is a gentle day for you.

Coombs Family said...

Hey Amber! So I'm 3 days late, (it's the 17th) but I'd sure like to honor your sweet little guy too! So... I am heading off to the store to buy a few blankies and stuffed animals to donate to Primary Childrens. They could always use them! Hope you're doing well, if you need anything don't hesitate to let me know! Love ya!