Friday, December 19, 2008

My Mostly Homemade Tree

Well we finally got our tree up and decorated! I had to make ornaments for the ward Christmas party so I didn't have a lot of time to get all mine done. By the time I was finished with the ones for the Christmas party, I was pretty much sick of seeing popcorn! So I did the minimal and left the other 2 or 3 boxes of bulbs for next year!

I made the angel.

Ya so I cheated and put tinsel in the bulb!

They turned out so cute!

Kinda blurry but oh well...

These ornaments aren't homemade but these are the ones we bought this year:

This is Gunnar's ornament. It says "When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure"

Rohbi's ornament

"Our First Christmas 2008"

1 comment:

the nice one said...

we got a Christmas ornament for Quincy this year too. to always remember him at Christmas time